Beautiful day at PACE Beijing

Yay! Finally, we made it to PACE Beijing. However, getting there was a pain. In our first attempt, we just showed a taxi card that we found on to the driver and he left us at the wrong spot. We were so pissed because he left us 15-20 minutes away (by foot) from the place where the exhibition was being held. Plus we went at around 12 p.m. so you can imagine how hot it was in Beijing by then. Hungry and angry we decided just to go back home. So rule number 1 - DON'T t trust the taxi card on the website. It will not help you at all.
Once we came home the sun went down, our stomach was filled and our moods went up then we made a decision that this time we will make it to PACE. It was a principal now!We didn’t make the mistake that we did before and ordered didi taxi. And just like that, we were at the PACE Beijing Temlab exhibition. We got our tickets in about 15 minutes and were inside of exhibition in about 25 minutes.

As soon as we entered, we were astonished by the animated flower forest that displays four seasons. It was awesome! Everyone was taking selfies and pictures on the walls. After that, we found the hall for kids. And we were stuck there for 2 hours. Honestly speaking, my daughter didn’t like the walls with flowers but she loved kids’ hall (makes sense as she is a kid!). They had sketch aquarium, sketch town, a table where little people live, connecting block town and hopscotch for geniuses.

My daughter enjoyed hopscotch for geniuses where they jump on figures and it makes beautiful colors and sounds. I liked it as well because it was an excellent exercise both for her mind and her body. Her second favorite was sketch aquarium where she had a chance to color draw a sea creature. After finishing color drawing, the paper is scanned and your sea creature appears on the virtual aquarium. Pretty cool huh! And by the way, adults were having as much fun as the kids.

After seeing everything in kids’ hall we went back to the main hall and made it to crystal hall where everything was shining like crystals. Indeed very beautiful! Then we decided to leave as we were getting dizzy because the main hall (flower forest) is like a labyrinth…

Now the prices! On weekdays it costs 80 RMB per person, on weekends 120 RMB per person. And you have to purchase a ticket for your kid despite their age. Personally, I find 120 RMB too expensive… At least, they could have let kids go in for free. Also, I didn’t like that every time when you were entering a new hall you have to show the ticket. That was weird. But in general, we loved it! It was tons of fun and we were living digital forest and future park!  

P.S.: This is the name of this place in Chinese - 佩斯北京 (just copy and paste on didi taxi)


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